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The high-performance Multi-pole spring-applied brakes

High-performance drives are reaching ever greater motor speeds and levels of drive torque. Yet despite the increasing performance requirements, the space allocated for the accompanying brakes is getting smaller. The INTORQ spring-applied brake for the high-performance field is the BFK468. Thanks to its innovative multi-pole technology, it is released with high forces even with large air gaps.


  • Braking torques: 100–2400 Nm
  • Spring-applied brake with multi-coil system
  • Up to twice the braking torque of the BFK458
  • With fixed or adjustable braking torque
  • High magnetic forces through special control
  • Fast switching times thanks to low brake inductance
  • Long ma intenance inter vals thanks to large working air gap
  • Release or wear monitoring with microswitch

Fields of application:
Brake motors, crane systems, port facilities, stage machinery, storage technology


Contact Us

الوادي للتكنولوجيا والتنمية
210 Sudan St., Mohandessin, Giza 

Email:  info@waditech.com.eg

Phone:  +2-02-33476842

Fax:  +2-02-33476843

Mobile:  +2-01227404999



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